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Weddings and COVID-19: How to Navigate the Awkwardness

COVID wedding gifts for groomsmen

For couples who are planning to get married during the current coronavirus pandemic, they’ll quickly find that things look a little different than they might otherwise. Wedding planning in general is always a bit of a debacle with so many factors to consider. However, this is made significantly worse in the era of COVID-19. In this ever-evolving situation, taking the right actions and keeping everyone safe can be incredibly challenging for most people out there. Just remember: it’s still possible! Keep reading for a comprehensive guide on how to navigate weddings in the time of the pandemic.


Are Weddings Even Possible?

One of the biggest sources of confusion for people hoping to get married is how they can actually make that happen. Are weddings even possible right now? The short answer to that question is “yes,” but the more in-depth answer is that it depends. Right now, with the knowledge we have about how this virus spreads and with the sheer number of cases being reported, there are some precautions that just aren’t negotiable.

Social distancing is the first and most important. COVID-19 mostly relies on relatively close contact for transmission, so putting at least 6-feet of space between you and others is crucial for staying healthy. If this is enforced along with masks, frequent handwashing, limited invites, and common-sense rules (i.e. stay home when you’re sick!), then having a wedding isn’t completely out of the question. It’s really just a matter of whether you’re happy to alter stuff for the big day or you’d rather wait until things calm down a bit. It’s a personal decision and one only you can decide. Whichever way you go, though, just make sure you’re being safe and smart about it.


Planning a Wedding During COVID

So, just because a COVID era wedding is possible, is it probable? Is the planning difficult enough to warrant postponement? Can you really do enough to ensure that the event is safe for those attending? And what should you do if you do end up deciding that postponement makes the most sense for you, your partner, and your wedding guests? Here’s a little guidance on these topics and more to help you out.


Embracing Social Distancing

As long as the coronavirus is around and there’s no widespread vaccine to treat and/or prevent, you’re going to need to social distance even at your wedding. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing, though! The key to making your wedding work is to embrace this fact rather than stew over it. Rather than seeing it as an obstacle, try to see it for what it is or even as an opportunity for creativity. Look for fun ways to keep people engaged regardless of distance. Hosting a shift wedding, a micro wedding with your closest friends/family, or even livestreaming the event are all great ways to do this and work social distancing into your wedding plans.


Coronavirus and Wedding Insurance 101

For those in the late stages of planning, you’ve probably already snagged your wedding insurance plan. That’s great! With the possibility of postponement and potential sickness always around the corner, insurance is more important than ever. Of course, not all plans provide the coverage you’ll need should you have to cancel because you, your partner, or a family member gets sick. Liability insurance won’t cover it as it only covers property damage, injury, or the like. Cancellation coverage likely will, though you should still do your due diligence and double check. The date of purchase plays a huge role in determining whether you’ll be reimbursed or not. Call your insurance company and verify that today. Also be aware that cancellation coverage cannot be bought to retroactively cover COVID-related issues.

But what if you’re in the early planning stages and haven’t purchased insurance quite yet? Unfortunately, you’re likely out of luck. Insurance (for the most part) will not cover postponement because of potential future coronavirus concerns. The best thing to do with current planning is sit down and really iron out whether you’re having the event or not. If there are doubts or concerns about the virus spreading in your circles, we’d recommend waiting it out for a while.


Selecting Bridesmaid and Groomsmen Gifts

Amongst all the COVID concerns, you still have an actual wedding to plan! The additional factors don’t mean all the usual ones go out the window. You still need to figure out a million small details from the cake to the floral arrangements to the location, dress, entertainment, and of course, what gifts you should get for your bridesmaids and groomsmen. We can’t really help with the former of these, but we do have a little expertise in the latter. Our pick? Get everyone a wooden watch. Wooden watches with personal engraving are some of the top ranked gifts for groomsmen and bridesmaids alike and with good reason. They’re practical, beyond beautiful, and incredibly thoughtful.  

groomsmen watches


After You Postpone the Date

Sometimes even the best laid plans fall apart, and that’s okay! The coronavirus pandemic is something unprecedented in our time and exceptionally stressful. It’s understandable to find yourself more interested in postponing than changing everything around to suit the current climate. It’s also great if you’ve decided to push it off because of health concerns. We appreciate the better safe than sorry mentality. Although, you should make sure that everyone is on the same page when moving back the date. Sending a Change-the-Date card to guests is a small gesture but one that is both highly appreciated and necessary. It clears up any confusion and gives your family and friends plenty of time to alter their own plans.

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